Friday, January 30, 2009

My Bloody Valentine 3D (2009)

My Bloody Valentine 3D was directed by Patrick Lussier and stars Jensen Akers and Jamie King.

Augh! This movie was great!
Seriously. It delt out exactly what it promised: An 80's-style slasher romp that was fun to watch. It wasn't deep or nuanced in any way, but it didn't pretend to be. This lack of pretension allowed the film to foreground itself as derivational and thereby revel in its lack of originality.
My only problem was that our local theatre was only showing it in 2D. (Boo! Hiss!) However, the 3D effects were pretty well done, because quite often images seemed to pop out anyway, despite our appaling lack of 3D glasses.



. said...

I'm glad it was worth all the excitement! We should hang out sometime!!!!!!!

. said...

and this is ned if you didn't know : )

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.

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