Sunday, December 7, 2008

True Blood and Twilight

True Blood is currently airing on HBO on Sundays at nine.

Twilight is the first in a book series by Stephanie Meyers, and is now a movie starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.

True Blood is what Twilight should have been. As I type this, I can hear the rattle of sabers as an army of thirteen year olds gathers at my door, but it is the truth. Really, the show is just a sexier interpretation of the books, with a dash of "Heroes" for good measure, set somewhere that isn't so horrendously rainy. This doesn't mean True Blood doesn't have its flaws, or Twilight its strengths, but True Blood is better if one is looking for horror.

I've read all of Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, but only about a third of Breaking Dawn, as it was simply too ridiculous to allow me to continue. I can really see why all the Twi-Hards (this, or sometimes Twi-Nerd, is the proper term for Twilight fans) were so upset after its release. Though I only spent a few days on the series as a whole, I felt cheated. I can only imagine how everyone else felt.

There is simply too much to expound upon here in regards to the series. Beyond bad writing, or obsessive description devoted to Edward's beauty, intelligence and gentle disposition, Bella's character is obnoxiously weak. I wanted to scream at her. When Edward leaves for what he sees as Bella's own good, she basically goes catatonic for four months, as she can not function without him. Though she is a good student, she gives up on college for she no longer sees a reason for it now that she has found her "true love."

She is unable to defend herself, is manipulative and so emotionally immature one wonders how Edward, in his advanced age, can manage to hold a conversation with her. In what I think was a bid to make her character "lovably flawed," she is clumsy to the point of handicap, and basically must be rescued from herself every few pages. She does not even have a good nature to redeem herself, but is shrill and overly-opinionated in what I think was Meyer's failed attempt to make her a "strong female character." She is, unequivocally, a bad example for all those thirteen year old girls who love her, especially in concerns to romance. Everything is simply presented to her, and Bella and Edward's problems mostly stem from loving each other too much. It sets up unrealistic expectations.

On a more horrific note, Meyer's vampires are anything but. They possess every power, but every weakness of their kind has been eradicated. They can not walk in the direct sunlight not because they will burn, but because they will sparkle and thereby attract undue attention. They do not feed on humans, and seem more like good faries than creatures of the dark.

However, there are moments of danger and appeal. In Eclipse, which I think was actually acceptable as a novel, Edward rips a fellow vampire's head clean off her shoulders and it rolls to Bella's feet. These kind of moments, though few and far between, highlight the true essence of a vampire. That is exactly what NEEDS to be seen in the series, but are most often censored out.

This brings me back to True Blood. I have only watched the first four episodes, as I do not own a television, but I feel the basics of the series are already apparent. Violence pervades every scene of this show, and not only from the vampires.

Sookie, the main character, saves Bill the vampire from a couple attempting to steal his blood in order to sell it as a drug. Though she looks just like Hayden Panettiere from Heroes, she defies her tiny, blonde appearance and attacks the man with a chain. She sucessfully rescues Bill, but is later ambused by the couple, who throw her to the ground and kick her in the ribs until blood pours from her mouth.

As one can see, the makers of True Blood do not shy from violence, but I also enjoy that this violence is not soley the domain of the vampires. It certainly makes for a much more complex set of morals than the normal "humans good/vampires bad" party line.

I could go on about this, but I'm running out of room. Basically, True Blood simply has what Twilight lacks: violence, sex and above all, heart.

Twilight, the book: C-
New Moon: D
Eclipse: B
Breaking Dawn: F

Twilight Movie: B

True Blood: A


Anonymous said...

, and give a grade, on a book (Breaking dawn) you haven't read to the end. That is totally unjust and ridiculus.

Anonymous said...

anonymous said.....
you shouldnt say anything lots of people love it and every one has different tastses in books like every thing else

Anonymous said...

So where did the facts go? All I see are lousy underthought opinions. Besides, not everyone who read or have read the Twilight Saga and saw the movie ar thirteen year olds.
Ohh well to each it's own I guess.

Anonymous said...

Agreed!.true bloods amazin<3 and Ive always hated the vamps in twilight being so good mannerd and all.. xD and in case if u'hvent noticed,the girl in trueblood can read minds too,and also got 2 crushes.2 much of a coincidence..:/

Anonymous said...

I can agree with you. While perhaps it wouldn't be totally fair to make comparisons and weigh each series unless you completely sort out the evidence, and of course, everybody has their biases, I'm not even halfway into the second episode of True Blood and it has already sparked my interest far more than Twilight ever did. Meyer's writing is sloppy and not only sends twisted messages of love and human (or vampiric) nature to teenagers, but it makes me feel as though her heart wasn't truly into her own story. I'm in the pursuit of becoming a novelist myself and I have spent the past year writing snippets and developing characters, barely diving into the actual writing aspect of the book, when Meyer rushes to get out a novel-in-a-year to appease bloodlust-hungry teenagers (which I will admit to be the stereotypical group of Twilight fans). True Blood, as far as I have seen, has shown so far that "nasty" characterizes every group of people and not only a specific "villain" group - there is a proper way to write "heroes" and "villains" and Meyer has not hit that mark!

Anonymous said...

OHMYGOSH. I so agree with you! BTW, I've seen the whole of True Blood season one. It's so awesome. I think Sookie looks more like Claire Danes though, but I know, NOT the point. And yeah, the similarities between True Blood and Twilight is just too much. It makes me wonder. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

I just randomly found this blog when I was looking for True Blood images. Anywho, the show is based on books as well. They are called "The Southern Vampire Mysteries" and they originally were published in 2001. Before Twilight. And Sookie is Anna Paquin! She played Rogue in X-Men and won a Golden Globe for her performance as Sookie.

I can not wait for Season 2.

Rubi said...

You are so right!! I totally agree, True blood has what Twilight lacks...

Anonymous said...

twilight actually is such pretty good book (including new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn) it's just that the director isnt good enough to satisfy the hunger of the twilight fans. True blood is also awsome. i mean, it's just like the same except that their powers, descriptions of the characters are all mixed up.

Pau said...

I saw True Blood reruns in Cinemax and, 12 hours later, I'm downloading the full first Season.

This show works it's venom in your head real quick. Thus, I love it!

P.S. The first Southern Vampire Series was released in 2001. Twilight was released 2005. Ehem.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with you!

True Blood is just Fang-tastic. Period. :D

As for Twilight, well, I considered it as a mild version of vampires to suit your living room full of 13 years old drooling over Edward and the Cullens.
Although it's not that bad.. Because we always wonders about these vampires and Meyer give us what we do WANT to see, not the things that vampires ARE.

Speaking for myself here, post-Twilight, I always wonder how the sex life goes for the Vampires, as they mate for life.

But True Blood just smack right into that question! ^0^
"your libido will become more active.." (or something like that), quoting Bill Compton.

Feel me?

Zara said...

It's not even fair to compare Tru Blood with that pathetic movie. Twilight couldn't impress my 9 year old sister.I mean realy!!!
Tru Blood is the most intens series i've ever seen.Every scene shakes you to the core. Twilight is an anesthetic. It just leaves you bored,numb and dissatisfied!

Anonymous said...

bare in mind twilight was made for more younger readers yes it does lack certain things but they are good books to thirten year old girls if they like it then they do, where as true blood was made for the more older teens and adults thats why it has alot of sex and violence in it i dont think thirteen year old girls would enjoy watching it so it is kind of ridiculous to compare the two when they are both made for different age groups, plus they are made by two completely different people they arn't going to have the same views of how vampires should be.

Rainedrop87 said...

I totally agree dude!

My 12 year old sister and I just finished watching the first season of true blood (and we loved it) and I just finished the first 5 books of the Southern Vampire Mysteries Series (and i loved those too).....Mind you, I've read all the Twilight books and I've seen the movie (by the way, even though the movie sucks....the DVD commentary is hilarious...I highly recommend watching that)

Yea, all I have to say is that Twilight is really lame and is pretty much nothing compared to True Blood. I mean, come one...Twilight is so stupid, why would vampires willingly repeat high school over and over again? I mean, I've been through high school already and I'd rather shoot myself than repeat it...even once more...

Meyer just doesn't know how to write and I especially find Breaking Dawn to be demented, messed up, weird, and idiotic...

Anonymous said...


I'm a 12 year old girl in the 6th grade and I love True Blood!!!!!! Unlike twilight true blood actually has a better story than twilight has...I bet Edward and Bella are gonna break up years after their marriage anyway...cuz they're lame ^-^

I think that Meyer has copied some of true blood and made it into her little stupid version...I mean come on What Vampire Sparkles in the Sun.It's just so idiotic!!!!!!! I was bewildered at the thought of a vampire actually sparkling as if the vampire was really sweaty...ha ha...oh and I'm sick of the people at my school because when Twilight came out at thearters everyone was wearing twilight fan items like shirts, books...EVERYTHING!!!! I was shocked that even my best friend was converted into a was horrifying.

I just don't see whats good about it...oh and I read the books...BLAH

So Nice Blog =^.^=


Anonymous said...

I thought that the very first episode of True Blood. I watched Twilight recently and thought it was okay but it lacked violence, sex, and basically everything. A few months later True Blood came out on DVD and i bought it, not knowing what to expect. As i watched it i texted my friend and said "this show is like twilight, but 100% better."

Anonymous said...

Uh the book that Season One of True Blood (Dead Until Dark) by Charlaine Harris was written in 2001, Twilight was written in 2005 so nobody can say that True Blood stole from twilight just because the tv show came out after twilight.

Anonymous said...

ok......... who thinks true blood is not appropriate for a 12 year old who is practically a 13 year old? i was a total twilight fan until i started reading other books about vampires and i realized twilight was nothing compared to them! true blood is for people a lot more mature but its an awesome show i hear. and why shouldnt a 12 year old be able 2 watch true blood? it could teach u more than u think right?

Anonymous said...

True blood is one of the best modern vampire-stories ive read. Book 1 is good, but the 2nd is even better. Im starting on the 3rd now.
the Twilight-movie is a good romantic movie but True Blood holds the true essence of nosferatu: blood, sex and horror.